Web Based Cancer Registration
Obtaining access to the online applications
The Belgian Cancer Registry strives for complete and qualitative cancer registration. To achieve this the direct supply of registration data from the oncological care programmes to the Cancer Registry is essential.
- direct supply of clinical registration data to the Cancer Registry is possible
for hospitals that work with their own application via sFTP i.e. secure file transfer via the Cancer Registry's website. (You will soon find the corresponding link and procedure here.) - using a secured CD-ROM for hospitals that work with their own application
- via the WBCR online application that can be used by hospitals
The WBCR application consists of standard cancer registration and project-specific registration modules.
Using the Standard cancer registration module it is possible to complete the standard cancer registration form (MOC form, Annex 55) online and send it to the Belgian Cancer Registry, for new diagnoses of cancer as well as follow-ups. After a registration has been submitted, the online application allows to make a printout of the MOC form to send to the patient's insurance fund for reimbursement of the MOC.
Advantages of the WBCR application
Use of the eHealth platform means that access to the online application is strictly regulated. Depending on the assigned profile the user may or may not consult certain data. More information about profiles is available in the manual.
The 'Identify Person' web service, made available by eHealth, simplifies the input of patient data and makes the process more efficient and user-friendly. Based on the NNSS number (national number for social security) the user can consult the details of a patient in the National Register and the 'Kruispuntbank' (Crossroads Bank) registers.
The WBCR online application provides a number of internal checks that guarantee the quality of the submitted information. A registration is always validated before it can be submitted. Depending on the outcome of the validation, warnings or error messages may be displayed to the user.
The application allows registrations to be saved before submission. Consequently incomplete registrations can be completed with additional information when the latter becomes available (e.g. about the treatment that has been received or is planned).
Users always have access to their own registration data. The application offers several possibilities for consulting submitted or saved registrations:
• in the online application itself
• by downloading them as a CSV or .txt file
• in PDF format
Data input is facilitated by a user-friendly interface with explanatory texts for the main variables and search options for ICD-O-3 coding of the primary tumour localisation and histological diagnosis.
Obtaining access to the online applications
Access to the online application takes place via the e-Health platform. Secure access to the application is guaranteed via this platform.
Access can be obtained via the hospital's person in charge of Entities Access. For more information please refer to the manual.
More info
You can always contact the WBCR helpdesk for more information: via info@kankerregister.org, or on 02/250 10 10